Despite the changes, SEO continues to be a key factor of any digital marketing plan. A successfully run campaign can provide a high return on investment in a way that is measurable and easy to adopt. Using SEO is an important part of digital marketing. The new changes Google is implementing make it harder for spoofs and scammers to rank highly in search results. This actually gives you, as an established brand, more chance in ranking higher in search results.
What Does Google Focus On?
There are few things that Google looks for when ranking. These include, how long your website and content have been discovered by google. Whether you have high-quality links, coming from both your own and other domains. Using top link building strategies will give your website credibility being featured in other good content. Also, quality content with relevant keywords which are engaging and well written.
What Benefits Does SEO Have?
As opposed to other marketing strategies, what benefits does SEO have? Here are a few reasons why you should consider SEO when developing your marketing strategy…
1. Increase Traffic
The main thing you want if to drive traffic to your site. But you want meaningful traffic, customers who want to visit your site because it is relevant for them. This is why using SEO will bring the right people to your site by having your brand appear in relevant search results. In turn you will increase the traffic from interested customers.
2. Visibility & Brand Awareness
By appearing high in search results, you will become a name that is known and remembered. If you can continually be seen in varied search results then you are going to gain more brand awareness and increased visibility. It important for your brand to be trusted, so if you are seen often in search results your brand will grow in credibility. Even without the website clicks, you are still putting yourself out there and are visible to your target audience.
3. Make Your Site More Usable
By using SEO on your site, it is arranged in such a way that it is easier for users to navigate. Information and relevant pages are also easier to find. Visitors leave sites if they are hard to navigate or can’t find what they are looking for easily. Having a user-friendly site will increase site browsing time and reduce your bounce rate.
4. Improved Return On Investment
Using SEO is a very focused inbound marketing strategy. You are offering your customers what they are searching for in a meaningful way. This is great because your customers will be happy they can find you easily and in turn will lead to an increase in sales. You are focusing on your customer base, therefore you are more likely to see more visits and sales per units spend.
5. Stand Out From Your Competitors
Knowing what your competitors are doing is key to a successful business. Keep an eye on emerging trends and adapting your marketing to follow this will help you stay ahead of the game. Using your own unique keywords will also help you to stand out from your competitors and make your target customers choose you.
6. Market To New Target Customers
Targeting your base customer is great but you want to attract new customers too. Making a target customer profile will help you get to the right people using SEO marketing. This will expand your customer base even after your marketing campaign is finished.
7. Customer Insights
By using Google Analytics to analyse your customers browsing habits. You can gain an insight into what your customers want and where they are most active. This in turn will help you to narrow in on your best marketing strategies focusing on what your customers are most interested in.
8. Sustainability
As opposed to pay per click, SEO marketing can have benefits even when you have stopped paying for the advertising. Optimising your website for SEO will bring in organic traffic, and you will be more reachable too. As you have had a boost in traffic during paid advertising, this will be remembered by google and help with your rankings down the line.
Plan Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Set a realistic budget and stick to it. It’s important to set a realistic but affordable budget and don’t be tempted to go over. Once your campaign is over you can review your budget for next time. Integrate digital marketing into your wider marketing strategy. How will your internet marketing strategy fit in with your other business goals? Make sure you are on the right page with all your marketing ideas and they benefit one another.
Analyse Your Competitors
Compare your online presence with your competitors and see what they are doing to improve their place. Decide what you want to take and learn from what they are doing, putting this into your own marketing.
Outline Your Target Audience
Be specific about who your target audience is. Ask questions such as, who your ideal customer is? Do you know what appeals to them? Where can you find them online and how do you market to them? Setting clear goals and having a direction for your digital marketing will ensure your campaign is a success. What results do you hope for in a successful SEO marketing campaign?
How will you measure the success of your campaign? You can use analytical tools to get down to the nitty gritty. But overall, if your campaign is successful, you will achieve the following:
- Showing up in the first page of search results, making your brand more trustworthy.
- See an increase in traffic to your website.
- A higher percentage of visits that turn into sales.
As you can see, although the world of marketing is changing, SEO still has a prominent place when you are planning your digital marketing strategy. Are you ready to implement your digital marketing strategy using SEO?.
8 Facts Why SEO Is Critical For Your Digital Marketing Strategy | BCW. (2017, October 12). Retrieved October 12, 2017, from