This revolutionary workout created by fitness guru and trainer to the stars, Sebastien Lagree, effectively incorporates Strength, Endurance, Cardio, Balance, Core, and Flexibility not just in a single workout, but in each exercise. The Lagree Fitness™ Training Method focuses on slow and controlled movements to achieve maximum muscle stimulation through Resistance, Range of Motion, Angles, Tempo, and Duration. An added bonus is the low impact the Lagree Method has on your body’s joints and soft tissues – but don’t be fooled, the intensity is through the roof!
CORE954 features the newest Megaformer™ model – the M3S which allows participants, even more, exercise options and variations than ever before. Your certified Lagree instructor will explain how the Megaformer operates so you can feel comfortable on the machine and concentrate on dominating your workout!
Each Megaformer class is 45 minutes in length with minimal to no rest in order to maximize muscle stimulation. Participants can expect to burn 500-700 calories a class, but individual results obviously vary. Your heart rate will increase, you will sweat, and your muscles will shake…that’s how you know it’s Lagree! See you in class!
Before I discovered the Lagree method, my career as a Certified Master Classical Pilates Instructor allowed me to train some of the most inspirational, professional Athletes and Olympic hopefuls all across, North America and Great Britain.
As master trainer, I truly believe in acute body awareness and a deep mind-body spiritual connection grants us the ability to tap into our bodies’ restorative potential. The Lagree method has enhanced my belief. The machines we use at Core954 enable us to train our bodies, and minds, in such a way I have never been able to achieve with any other method.
The CORE Workout